Qonnections 2015: Celebrating 10 Years

Qonnections 2015: Celebrating 10 Years

By B EYE Team

December 19, 2023

Ten years has just flown by, we take a look back at the week we spent in Dallas.

Qonnections 2015

Qlik and its partners gathered in Dallas, Texas for Qonnections 2015, the 10th annual Global Partner Summit for all Qlik partners. After an exciting four days, here are some highlights from the event.

This particular Qonnections was special, as it marked the 10th anniversary of the event, which has now grown to a record-setting 1365 partners from 65 countries, including El Salvador, Estonia, Lithuania, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

B EYE at qlick conference in Dalse

Qlik used this opportunity to Introduce Qlik Sense Enterprise 2.0. This latest version of Qlik Sense brings a completely different perspective to the Business Intelligence market through its unique platform approach, giving everyone the ability to answer not just ‘what happened?’, but ‘why?’, as well as providing insight into ‘what is likely to happen.’

Qlik also became the first business intelligence vendor to offer Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) as it introduced Qlik DataMarket, Qlik Sense Cloud and Qlik Sense Charts.

By Evan Siff in QlikBlog.