Sleighing the Numbers: Santa’s BI Journey with Qlik 

Sleighing the Numbers: Santa’s BI Journey with Qlik 

By B EYE Team

December 21, 2023

No doubt, there is no man as busy as Santa Claus around the Christmas holidays. Having to visit over 842 million households around the globe and bring presents roughly the weight of 15 Great Pyramids of Giza to the excited children is no easy task. Only someone with a great love for what they do and a clear vision of how to achieve it can make it happen. Yet, Santa knows that to cope with the dynamic environment of today’s world, his traditional tools such as magical dust and tons of ledgers are just not enough. Therefore, his last New Years’ Resolution was to implement a Business Intelligence (BI) Solution with Qlik, and the results are in. 

Let’s explore what Santa’s Dashboard has to say. 

Santa’s ROI Boost: The Qlik BI Reindeer Effect 

Elves’ Job Satisfaction: Qlik’s Role in Santa’s Workshop 

Miracle at the Pole: Santa’s Qlik Automated Data System 

Santa’s Workshop Revolution: Qlik Supply Chain Insights 

North Pole Buzz: Tracking Santa’s Caffeine with Qlik 

Qlik and Santa’s Workshop FAQs 

A BI Christmas: Santa’s Year in Data 

Santa’s ROI Boost: The Qlik BI Reindeer Effect 

Santa’s decision to invest in 2 more reindeer and improve his sledge has brought a 23% return on investment. Nabbing gifts and sliding down chimneys all require a bit of speed, double the speed of light to be precise. His two new fast-twitch, magically enhanced reindeers Qliky and Planny are just the right help for making speedy presents to ensure that all presents are delivered on time. But that’s not all, thanks to sophisticated Qlik analysis, he discovered that by investing in a brand new sparkly coat of paint for his magical sledge, it can go even faster. As a result, the households covered by Santa for 4 hours have increased by 23%, making it possible to cover the Nordics AND the Baltic countries in the same time he was able to cover only the Nordics last year. 

An infographic of a semi-circular progress bar indicating Return on Investment (ROI). The bar is mostly filled to 41%, with a marker showing growth from a previous 2017 ROI of 18%. The progress bar starts with dark green on the left, indicating the starting point, and gradually fades to a lighter gold color as it progresses towards the 100% mark on the right.

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Elves’ Job Satisfaction: Qlik’s Role in Santa’s Workshop 

Based on his elf satisfaction report, Santa has found that the overall percentage of satisfaction with their job has increased from 78 to 92%. The main reason stated is the fact that elves were empowered to do their job faster and deliver presents on time – resulting in higher job satisfaction. While before this was hard to measure, after implementing Qlik HR data analytics, the results from a simple survey were incorporated into a dashboard that can be used by the management, um … we mean Santa, not Mrs. Claus. What is more, Santa managed to increase productivity significantly by finding a relationship between the days Mrs. Claus makes cookies and his elves’ health condition. On cookie days there was a 15% drop in productivity due to the elves suffering from stomachache (except for Tasty, but he was always a strange one). Also, families were able to have a peaceful and non-stressful Christmas as their kids received their presents on time. Happy kids, happy families! Yay! 

Alt text: "A horizontal box and whisker plot titled 'Job Satisfaction', comparing December 2021, 2022, and 2023. The y-axis lists 'Dec 2023', 'Dec 2022', and 'Dec 2021', while the x-axis represents job satisfaction percentage ranging from 70% to 100%. Each year is represented by a green box indicating the interquartile range of satisfaction, with lines extending to the minimum and maximum values, and an outlier for Dec 2023 marked with a red dot, indicating an unusually high job satisfaction rate.

Miracle at the Pole: Santa’s Qlik Automated Data System 

By implementing a cutting-edge BI solution with Qlik’s automated data discrepancy reporting, Santa could finally retire his manual system of data verification, which he had been using since the 4th century. Until now, together with his elves, he had to go through tons of papers, recording children’s letters, summary tables with toy demands, manufacturing orders, packing lists, etc. This was not just time-consuming – the data was often inaccurate. He vividly remembers one case when he delivered a pet whale to a kid who asked for a pet snail. The cost of return in this and similar cases was excruciating. 

Keep Exploring: Qlik AutoML™: Your No-Code Solution to Harnessing Machine Learning 

Santa’s Workshop Revolution: Qlik Supply Chain Insights 

Manufacturing or assembling the right presents at the right time is not an easy task, especially when the raw materials and components come from all different corners of the world. Before leveraging Qlik supply chain data analytics, often the workshop could not create all the presents needed, and Santa had to resort to a certain practice – randomly distributing excess items to kids whose requested presents were not available on time for shipment. After implementing the new Qlik BI solution, Santa was able to analyze and predict how many presents of each product category would be needed. Then, he bought all the raw materials and components needed, considering different lead times per supplier. He was also able to optimize and streamline his purchasing, eliminating some low volume and higher-cost suppliers. 

A pie chart titled 'Most wanted presents by categories - Christmas 2023'. It shows four categories with corresponding percentages: 'Technologies' is the largest segment in dark green, taking up 56.8% of the chart, 'Bikes and boards' in red represents 16.6%, 'Other' in light tan is 14.0%, and 'Spinning toys' in a lighter shade of green is the smallest segment at 14.0%.

Nowadays, kids are likely to prefer techy gifts, while conventional wooden toys have been in decline for many years. Dynamic shifts in demands for presents have always created unpredictability and chaos in Santa’s workshop. High scrap rates and high supply chain costs have always been plaguing his enterprise. Predictive analytics has brought this to an end. Another use of predictive analytics is in good vs. naughty kids reporting. Santa can now predict the amount of coal he will need for naughty kids. However, from next year he plans to go green and instead of coal start using Mrs. Claus’ burnt cookies (it would be punishment enough, he said). 

A world map overlaid with a 'Nice vs Naughty' bubble chart. Bubbles of varying sizes are scattered across the continents, with the size indicating the number of 'Nice' children on Santa's list according to the caption: 'The size of the bubble correlates to the number of "Nice" in Santa's list.' The color of the bubbles varies from light to dark; darker shades represent areas with more 'Naughty' children. The bubbles are concentrated in areas representing populated regions. Credits to © Qlik, OpenStreetMap contributors are noted at the bottom.

Discover More: Top 10 Reasons to Choose Qlik Sense for Your Organization 

North Pole Buzz: Tracking Santa’s Caffeine with Qlik 

Santa and the elves are likely to drink more coffee than average on the days around Christmas. Last December, Santa exhibited a 22% increase in his caffeine consumption and this trend is likely to continue. With an increased world population, heavy preparation underway, and deadlines approaching, everybody in the workshop tends to consume much more caffeine – the necessary fuel for a jam-packed day of bringing holiday cheer. 

Qlik and Santa’s Workshop FAQs

A BI Christmas: Santa’s Year in Data 

BI has allowed Santa to not only better plan Christmas but also, and more importantly, have peace of mind that all kids and families will receive the right presents on time. Santa can now make a fair estimate of how much return on investment buying one new reindeer or new equipment will bring, and what will be the effect on job satisfaction, and eventually in elves turnover. Although it is still negotiable with Mrs. Claus, thanks to increasing productivity and cutting costs, he can finally afford to hire a Snow Maiden like Ded Moroz. 

He can also keep his data in check, plan much better, and create high demand presents in advance, because he has an insight into children’s tastes and preferences at a glance through his dashboard. He knows exactly who was good this year and who was naughty, and he can plan the distribution of gifts and coal efficiently. Overall, Santa is so happy with his experience with Business Intelligence that in 2024, he will take the next step and invest in a modelling and planning platform to further increase the efficiency of his enterprise. 

But the greatest benefit for him is that by using BI and optimizing his own processes, he can finally finish his trip around the world faster and be home before the celebration is over. After all, even for him, the true meaning of Christmas is to spend it with his loved ones. 

Curious to see how business intelligence can drive your business forward just like it did for Santa? Don’t wait for a Christmas miracle. Contact our experts at B EYE today for a personalized consultation and unwrap the gift of data-driven success! 

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