The ability to translate numbers into action is a cherished skill worth having in this day and age. This will undoubtedly make you an essential asset that any company will want to keep. Well, be that as it may, this sharp wit will only get you so far without the right tools. Obviously, every industry has its staples, but some have had centuries to perfect theirs, while others only a few decades. When dealing with data, however, you’ll be surprised how often companies choose a poorly fit tool for the job.
Change is often tough…
We’re well aware of that fact. But let us tell you about a case we had recently about a pharmaceutical company that wasn’t content with their solution and sought out change for the better. They required a better look at their employees’ performance since the system they were using at the time wasn’t providing them with enough visibility. They sought improvement and wished to transform the data they had acquired into meaningful insights.
When working on a project like this, you need your partners to understand that the data points needed to come from them. They are in the best position to know their goals and how they are communicated to employees. In short, our job was to lay those milestones out in a way that was intuitive and easy to digest. So, we created a dashboard that organized all of the most relevant data in a way that allowed our partners to track their employees’ progress – and it worked. Here’s their Clutch review on how they experienced the project.
Overall, as you can see, our client had a positive experience with our team. So, we made their transition to a more insightful solution a smooth experience. Through this review, we demonstrate the importance of analytics, enhancing the performance of any company. Additionally, we get to be included in a list that shows off top companies and firms.
Analyzing data isn’t as niche as it used to be. Companies will be doing themselves a disservice if they don’t even consider using it as part of their decision-making process. This is why B EYE is currently accommodating demo requests in order for us to demonstrate firsthand the positive effect that these tools can have on your particular industry.