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Charity 2020 – From B EYE with Love

Helping others has always been a top priority for our company and our colleagues – however, whenever and wherever possible. In the past, we focused our efforts mainly on helping the “Foundling home Lesichovo” which we’ve aided continuously for three...

B EYE in Technical University of Sofia

One of our company values is „Transforming The Future,“ since we believe that the future is in the young ones. Furthermore, education is another vital CSR pillar for us. And this is where the two values meet, or more precisely,...

Supporting the Environment One Step at a Time

The environment surrounding us is essential for our survival, so it’s only natural that we preserve it as much as possible. After all, negligence will only lead to pollution, which will spiral into various diseases for all living beings on...

Helping Out the Children of Bangladesh

Helping others who are less fortunate has been a tradition here at B EYE every time the holidays roll around. They usually give us the opportunity to make thematic keepsakes and try to raise money with them for charities. Today...

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