The stress-free corner of the office

The stress-free corner of the office

By Severina Yordanova

December 21, 2023

Perseverance is a developed skill. It lets you push beyond the threshold just to see the best results. It’s also something we encourage our employees to pick up. And what better way to do it than by exercising and staying healthy. We’ve made some strides towards this direction in our office so that our employees can give 110% when working on projects. So without further ado, let’s check out some of the ways we’ve endeavored to unlock that „go-get-em“ attitude.

Elevate your Productivity

Did you know that the average office worker spends 1,700 hours a year sitting in front of a computer screen? This, of course, may lead to various health conditions, such as gaining weight, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Well, we knew that and we wanted to avoid it somehow. That’s why we partnered with UberDesk and provided our loyal employees with height-adjustable electric desks. Now they can stand up once in a while without standing out.

Work hard, play hard

We’re strong believers in the saying „Strong in body, strong in spirit, strong in mind“, as you can probably tell. Well, we hosted a volleyball tournament to prove just how to fit our colleagues really are. We thank everyone for joining and showcasing their fitness and abilities and we look forward to the next tournament. Stay in shape, because the competition is fierce.

Massage My Motivation

Keeping fit is important, as we established, but with that comes some strain. So, from time to time, it’s good to get a massage to relax those muscles and let your mind focus more easily on your work. With that in mind, we acquired a massage chair to help our employees unwind after encountering a resilient bug or a stressful meeting. Overall, it’s good to spend a few minutes when necessary to relax and get your thoughts together, as it can end up saving you time in the end.

Table Tennis Impetus

And finally, we’d be amiss not to mention the one thing in our company that combines stress-relief, competitiveness, and exercise – our table tennis. We often have in-office tournaments there to see who has the best technique and the quickest reactions. It’s a good way to unwind after work as well. A quick game or two with a colleague not only helps build your relationship but also helps for seamless cooperation when need be. 


Well, that was a brief look at our office’s stress-relief rooms. But just because the story ends here, doesn’t mean that it’s over. We’ve got a lot of ideas and plans to develop and integrate in the future. So, if you wish to stay up-to-date then be sure to follow us on our social media profiles so you don’t miss any of our cool updates. Stay fit, stay safe and stay healthy everyone!

Keep a lookout on our Facebook and LinkedIn profiles for our upcoming wellness news and stories. You can read our first part with stress-free wellness initiatives here.