I chose a career in Bulgaria: Teo Parashkevov

I chose a career in Bulgaria: Teo Parashkevov

By Lia Katerova

August 21, 2023

When I returned from China I was able to help Bulgaria grow with my work and the experience I have gained abroad.

What is your name? Teo Parashkevov

Where do you work? B EYE Ltd.

Position? Machine Learning Developer

Describe your work in several sentences.

I tackle complex mathematical problems which are in no way subject to traditional programming techniques.

Where have you studied/worked abroad?

 Southeast University 东南大学, Nanjing, China

How long have you been abroad?

5 years (2015-2020). 1-year studying Chinese language and 4 years BA in Computer Science taught in Chinese

 When did you come back to Bulgaria?


Why did you choose to return to Bulgaria?

One of the main reasons I returned to Bulgaria was the COVID pandemic. I think that it was an exciting journey I had after I returned from China and it enabled me to help Bulgaria grow with my work and the experience I have gained abroad.

Would you advise young people to return to Bulgaria? Why? Why not? What would you say to those who think there is no future in Bulgaria?

If I have to be 100% honest, I would say rather no. I say this because the world is changing so rapidly, and I don’t believe a person needs to root himself back in the place where he/she started. But of course, this decision depends on your goals. If being a part of the foundations of the Bulgarian future is something you find valuable, then stay and give your best.


What were the three biggest challenges you faced when you came back?

People’s mindset, especially the part where everybody thinks they know more than you.

What do you think are the three greatest advantages of having a life and a career in Bulgaria?

 I am close to my family, and the living standard that I can afford is very high in Bulgaria compared to other western countries.  I have the freedom to work from any place I want.

Do you want to learn more about our team? Here you can read the interview of another one of our Qlik developers Alexandar Madjarov or Qlik Developer & Designer Martin Ivanov .